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graph theory 
study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects
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Instance of academic discipline,
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area of mathematics
Subclass of theory
Part of discrete mathematics,
computer science
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  • network theory
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Wikidata Q131476
GND ID: 4113782-6
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85056471
NDL Auth ID: 00562641
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 57127
BabelNet ID: 00397107n

  • Reasonator

  • Scholia

  • Statistics

Blue pencil.svg
teoría de grafos (es); Граф (kk-kz); Netafræði (is); Teori graf (ms); گراف (kk-cn); Теория на графите (bg); teoria grafurilor (ro); 圖論 (zh-hk); grafteori (sv); теорія графів (uk); 圖論 (zh-hant); 图论 (zh-cn); 그래프 이론 (ko); Граф (kk); grafeteorio (eo); теорија на графовите (mk); Teorija grafikona (bs); Teoría de grafos (an); গ্রাফ তত্ত্ব (bn); théorie des graphes (fr); Графсен теорийĕ (cv); lý thuyết đồ thị (vi); گراف (kk-arab); Graf (kk-latn); теорија графова (sr); teoria dos grafos (pt-br); 图论 (zh-sg); Граф (kk-cyrl); grafteori (nn); grafteori (nb); بیردۆزی گراف (ckb); graph theory (en); نظرية المخططات (ar); 圖論 (yue); Графтар теориясы (ky); ሥነ ግራፍ (am); Grafo teoria (eu); Teoría de grafos (ast); teoria de grafs (ca); графтар теорияһы (ba); Damcaniaeth graffiau (cy); тэорыя графаў (be); Գրաֆների տեսություն (hy); 图论 (zh); grafteori (da); გრაფთა თეორია (ka); グラフ理論 (ja); תורת הגרפים (he); ग्राफ़ सिद्धान्त (hi); 图论 (wuu); graafiteoria (fi); Nazarijai grafho (tg-latn); teoria dei grafi (it); 图论 (zh-hans); teorie grafů (cs); Graafiteooria (et); teoria dos grafos (pt); Назарияи графҳо (tg); Графын онол (mn); ทฤษฎีกราฟ (th); Çizge Kuramı (tr); Tiuria dî grafi (scn); Teorija grafova (sr-el); teorija tal-grafi (mt); Теорија графова (sr-ec); 圖論 (zh-tw); Grafų teorija (lt); Teorija grafov (sl); Teoriya ng grapo (tl); Teória grafov (sk); Graphentheorie (de); teori graf (id); teoria grafów (pl); теория графов (ru); grafentheorie (nl); نظریه گراف (fa); نظریۂ مخطط (ur); Graf (kk-tr); gráfelmélet (hu); Teoría de grafos (gl); Teorija grafova (sh); Θεωρία γράφων (el); grafu teorija (lv) campo de estudio de las matemáticas y las ciencias de la computación (es); branche des mathématiques et de l'informatique étudiant les graphes (fr); kajian grafik yang struktur matematika digunakan untuk model hubungan berpasangan antarobjek (id); Grafoen propietateak matematikoki aztertzen dituen matematikaren atala. Grafo-teoria Eulerrek sortu zuen, Königsbergeko zubien problema ebatzi zuenean. (eu); ענף במתמטיקה (he); deelgebied van de wiskunde dat de eigenschappen van grafen bestudeert (nl); camp d'estudi de les matemàtiques i les ciències de la computació (ca); дискретлы математиканың графтар үҙенсәлектәрен өйрәнеүсе бүлеге (ba); Teilgebiet der Mathematik (de); estudo de grafos, que são estruturas matemáticas utilizadas para modelar relações entre pares de objetos (pt); study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects (en); раздел дискретной математики, изучающий свойства графов (ru); branca della geometria combinatoria che si occupa di studiare i grafi, strutture matematiche costituite da vertici collegati fra loro da archi (it); област математике, која изучава графове (sr) Tioría de grafos (an); theorie des graphes (fr); Grafoen teoria, Grafo-teoria (eu); графов теория (ru); Graphentheoretisch (de); teoria de grafos (pt); Գրաֆերի տեսություն (hy); 圖論 (zh); lí thuyết đồ thị (vi); Graf teorisi, Çizge Teorisi (tr); 完全グラフ, 無向グラフ, 有向グラフ, 自己閉路, 確率伝播法, 単純グラフ (ja); teoria de grafos (pt-br); Haniaeth graffiau (cy); ทฤษฏีกราฟ (th); Teoria dels grafs (ca); Teoriya ng grap, Teoriya ng talangguhit, Teoriyang grap, Graph theory, Teoriyang talaguhitan, Teoriyang talangguhit, Teoriang graph, Teoriyang graph, Teoriang grap, Teoriya ng grapa, Graph, Teoriang grapo, Teoriyang grapo, Teoriang talaguhitan (tl); Grafen, Gerichte graaf, Graaf (nl); Tiurìa dî grafi, Tiurìa dê grafi (scn); ग्राफ सिद्धान्त (hi); teoría de los grafos, teoría de gráficas, teoría de redes, teoría de las gráficas, teoria de grafos, teoria de los grafos, teoria de graficas, teoria de redes, teoria de las graficas (es); 그라프리론, 그라프 리론, 그래프이론 (ko); Graph theory (ur); نظريه المخططات, مخططات, مخطط, مخطط غير موجه (ar); Θεωρία γραφημάτων (el); تئوری گراف, گراف‌ها, نظریهٔ گراف (fa)

English: Graph theory is the branch of mathematics that examines the properties of mathematical graphs. See glossary of graph theory for common terms and their definition.

Informally, this type of graph is a set of objects called vertices (or nodes) connected by links called edges (or arcs), which can also have associated directions. Typically, a graph is depicted as a set of dots (i.e., vertices) connected by lines (i.e., edges), with an arrowhead on a line representing a directed arc.

Such graphs can be used to represent and analyze a variety of systems and problems, including colorability problems, shortest path algorithms and spanning trees.

For information on other types of graphs see graphs (disambiguation).


  • See the resource list at Category:Charts.


This category has the following 36 subcategories, out of 36 total.


  • Graph theorists‎ (16 C, 13 F)


  • Graph (abstract data type)‎ (1 F)

  • Algebraic graph theory‎ (2 C, 2 F)

  • Graph algorithms‎ (14 C, 256 F)


  • Graph classes‎ (8 F)

  • Clustering coefficient‎ (3 F)

  • Graph coloring‎ (8 C, 26 F)

  • Graph components‎ (15 F)

  • Cut (graph theory)‎ (8 F)


  • Degeneracy (graph theory)‎ (4 F)

  • Graph (discrete mathematics)‎ (4 F)

  • Dominating set (graph theory)‎ (12 F)

  • Dual graphs‎ (1 C, 39 F)


  • Eulerian paths‎ (2 C, 3 F)


  • Geometric graph theory‎ (1 C)

  • Graph isomorphism‎ (10 F)

  • Graphs (graph theory)‎ (16 C, 1 P, 341 F)


  • Hamiltonian paths‎ (4 C, 47 F)


  • Independent set (graph theory)‎ (10 F)

  • Graph invariants‎ (3 C, 2 F)


  • Matching (graph theory)‎ (1 C, 52 F)

  • Matrix representation of graphs‎ (2 C, 26 F)


  • Network theory‎ (3 C, 2 F)


  • Graph products‎ (22 F)


  • Quivers (graph theory)‎ (6 F)


  • Regular maps‎ (44 F)

  • Route inspection problem‎ (3 F)


  • Spanish graph theory glossary‎ (16 F)

  • Steiner tree problem‎ (9 F)

  • Subgraphs‎ (6 F)


  • Traveling salesman problem‎ (29 F)

  • Tutte polynomial‎ (8 F)


  • Vertex cover problem‎ (13 F)

  • Videos of graph theory‎ (14 F)


  • Water, gas, and electricity (graph theory)‎ (1 C, 16 F)

  • ഗ്രാഫ് തിയറി‎ (10 F)

Pages in category "Graph theory"

This category contains only the following page.

  • Graph theory

Media in category "Graph theory"

The following 200 files are in this category, out of 560 total.

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