
Showing posts from March 25, 2019

What is the oldest known work of fiction?Understanding what these reference shortforms representOrigin of the idea of a series of booksWas construction work involving hydraulic cements in ancient Rome restricted to the summer season?What's the oldest monomyth?Were the greatest rulers from before the Classical Antiquity known by ancient historians?More honorable to plunder than to work for Germanic tribes in antiquityDid the medieval Europe have an active “lowbrow” culture?What is the earliest known book / novel trilogy in literature?Why wasn't there more use of wind power in antiquity?Which SF author was unable to check his own work out of the library due to insufficient security clearance?

Hostile work environment after whistle-blowing on coworker and our boss. What do I do? What is the oldest known work of fiction? Can I Retrieve Email Addresses from BCC? Why is delta-v is the most useful quantity for planning space travel? What was required to accept "troll"? Is a naturally all "male" species possible? Can I rely on these GitHub repository files? Organic chemistry Iodoform Reaction Should my PhD thesis be submitted under my legal name? What do you call the infoboxes with text and sometimes images on the side of a page we find in textbooks? Resetting two CD4017 counters simultaneously, only one resets How will losing mobility of one hand affect my career as a programmer? I'm in charge of equipment buying but no one's ever happy with what I choose. How to fix this? Is there enough fresh water in the world to eradicate the drinking water crisis? Calculating the number of days between 2 dates in Excel How do I renam

What does 사자 in this picture means?Korean word for (presentation) slidesI started studying Korean at 32. I'm 34 and still terrible. Is it possible to learn in your 30s?Difference 동일한 vs 똑같은What's the 'feel' of 그대, meaning 'you'?Martial arts vocabulary confusion식식하게 or 씩씩하게 목소리 높여? Which did I hear in a song?How do Koreans distinguish 연패(連覇) and 연패(連敗)?Translation of “nobody wants to fight (with) him”How to say “to” as a linking word between verbs in Korean?Addressing someone on the street you have never met and who is of ambiguous age

Freedom of speech and where it applies Was the picture area of a CRT a parallelogram (instead of a true rectangle)? Can I Retrieve Email Addresses from BCC? The One-Electron Universe postulate is true - what simple change can I make to change the whole universe? Is exact Kanji stroke length important? I'm in charge of equipment buying but no one's ever happy with what I choose. How to fix this? Is there a problem with hiding "forgot password" until it's needed? Lightning Web Component - do I need to track changes for every single input field in a form Could solar power be utilized and substitute coal in the 19th century? How to deal with or prevent idle in the test team? Meta programming: Declare a new struct on the fly A workplace installs custom certificates on personal devices, can this be used to decrypt HTTPS traffic? Resetting two CD4017 counters simultaneously, only one resets Are taller landing gear bad for aircraft, particulary l