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Latitude:  +42.695194

Antipode: -42.695194 , -156.593833

Sunrise: 04:20 GMT     Sunset: 16:45 GMT
Daylight: 12 h 24 m 55 s      Solar noon: 10:32 GMT

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NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
?????BulgariaPopulated place42.6833323.316677.444.62260°W
Aleksand?r VoykovBulgariaPopulated place42.823.3333313.18.1427°NNE
BarievoBulgariaPopulated place42.6666723.5333310.886.76253°WSW
Begler ChiflikBulgariaPopulated place42.6166723.3333310.586.58214°SW
BenkovskiBulgariaPopulated place42.7333323.333337.324.5554°NE
BistritsaBulgariaPopulated place42.5833323.3666712.877.99195°SSW
BojanaBulgariaPopulated place42.6523.2666712.487.75246°WSW
BotunetsBulgariaPopulated place42.7333323.58.775.4561°ENE
BoyanaBulgariaPopulated place42.6523.2666712.487.75246°WSW
BusmantsiBulgariaPopulated place42.6833323.433332.591.61239°WSW
ButunetsBulgariaPopulated place42.7333323.58.775.4561°ENE
?elope?eneBulgariaPopulated place42.7333323.483337.614.7356°NE
ChepintsiBulgariaPopulated place42.7666723.433338.265.1316°NNE
Chokhadzhiysko PredgradieBulgariaPopulated place42.7166723.2833310.336.4277°ENE
D?rwenizaBulgariaPopulated place42.6523.366675.983.72213°SSW
DobroslavtsiBulgariaPopulated place42.8166723.2833316.8410.4737°NE
Dolni BogrovBulgariaPopulated place42.723.57.74.7886°E
Dolni-LosenBulgariaPopulated place42.623.513.098.13216°SW
DragalevtsiBulgariaPopulated place42.6333323.3166710.056.25227°SW
D?rvenitsaBulgariaPopulated place42.6523.366675.983.72213°SSW
Gara Isk?rBulgariaPopulated place42.6666723.416673.292.04195°SSW
GermanBulgariaPopulated place42.6166723.416678.785.46186°S
GniljaneBulgariaPopulated place42.823.3833311.827.34N
Gorni BogrovBulgariaPopulated place42.7166723.5333310.676.6377°ENE
Gorni-LosenBulgariaPopulated place42.623.4833312.347.67211°SSW

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