#2: All Zeros#3: View North#4: View East#5: View West#6: Dawn & I by Hire car#7: Lucky dog with Ham#8: Trying to decipher to road signs!




the Degree Confluence Project



4.0 km (2.5 miles) WSW of Godech, Sofiya, Bulgaria

Approx. altitude: 636 m
(2086 ft)

([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreeMap ConfluenceNavigator)

Antipode: 43°S 157°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: All Zeros#3: View North#4: View East#5: View West#6: Dawn & I by Hire car#7: Lucky dog with Ham#8: Trying to decipher to road signs!



43°N 23°E (visit #4)


Visit #3: [03-Jan-04]
#3: [03-Jan-04]

Visit #2: [06-Sep-03]
#2: [06-Sep-03]

Visit #1: [20-Apr-03]
#1: [20-Apr-03]

#1: View of spot looking South

(visited by Phil Sharpe and Dawn Sharpe)

14-Mar-2009 -- It has been a while since our last Confluence point so it was good to get another one under our belt. We were visiting Bulgaria because Dawn had to work there for a week. I decided to fly out for the weekend to meet her, see the sights, go skiing and ....... oh look a confluence point only 26 miles from Sofia!!

We got a hire car on Saturday morning for 40 euros and once out of the city it was pretty easy to find using only the GPS and a very poor map. The day was very sunny but with a biting cold wind. The confluence point is just off the road
in a field just by a pile of hay.

After finding the spot and getting all the photos we decided to get something to eat in the small village shop in Godech. Not being able to speak Bulgarian made it a little difficult to explain what we wanted. The upshot was that we left the shop with a chunk of ham big enough to feed a small army!! To make matters worse neither of us particularly liked it as it was very fatty. Victorious we drove the 40 minutes back to Sofia to return the hire car and for one very lucky stray dog Christmas came early!!

 All pictures
#1: View of spot looking South
#2: All Zeros
#3: View North
#4: View East
#5: View West
#6: Dawn & I by Hire car
#7: Lucky dog with Ham
#8: Trying to decipher to road signs!
ALL: All pictures on one page

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