Neave Interactive Star AtlasZoom EarthHyperscapeStrobe IllusionWebcam ToyBouncy BallsNeave.TVSnakeTic-Tac-ToeTetris® N-BloxLonely TweetsImaginationPixel DustWobbleSwarmVoronoi

Neave Interactive

A collection of games, apps and art made by Paul Neave.

  • Star Atlas

    Star Atlas

    Explore the stars with this interactive map of the night sky.

  • Zoom Earth

    Zoom Earth

    NASA satellite images of the Earth updated every day.

  • Hyperscape


    A hyper-fast, retro-futuristic arcade game for iPhone and iPad.

  • Strobe Illusion

    Strobe Illusion

    You will hallucinate! Watch this mind-melting optical illusion.

  • Webcam Toy

    Webcam Toy

    Take selfies with over 80 fun effects!

  • Bouncy Balls

    Bouncy Balls

    Bounce balls with your microphone!

  • Neave.TV


    TV without context. Click to channel-hop.

  • Snake


    Play the classic retro mobile phone game.

  • Tic-Tac-Toe


    Play a retro version of the simple game of X’s and O’s.

  • Tetris® N-Blox

    Tetris® N-Blox

    Play a quick retro version of Tetris®.

  • Lonely Tweets

    Lonely Tweets

    What does it mean to be hyper-connected, yet lonely?

  • Imagination


    Let’s see what you can imagine.

  • Pixel Dust

    Pixel Dust

    Paint with pixels that turn to dust.

  • Wobble


    Mess around with a colorful, blobby, wobbly surface.

  • Swarm


    A mass of little swarming things, coming to get you!

  • Voronoi


    Play with these pretty pointy polygons.


© 2019 Neave Interactive Ltd.

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