APRS Stations Near 50.033333 19.233333 (last 240 hours)

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APRS Stations Near 50.033333 19.233333 (last 240 hours)


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Call callbookmsgwxlatlondistancedirectionLast Position
SP9AMG-1 ** **. 50.01617 19.106177.7 W 00:00:00:41
SQ9IWS-9 ** .. 50.14333 19.167177.7 NW 01:10:16:55
SQ9IWS-4 ** **** 50.14367 19.167007.7 NW 00:00:04:02
SP9UVG-13 ** **** 50.17467 19.224338.5 N 00:00:00:27
TS-20D ** .. 49.99817 19.386839.4 SE 09:13:06:58
SP9SDZ-5 ** .. 50.02800 19.0601710.4 W 03:12:58:21
SQ9BDL ** .. 50.19233 19.1613310.5 NW 00:00:04:17
SQ9ORD-7 ** .. 50.21333 19.2653311.0 N 00:18:31:24
SP9GDI ** **. 50.18667 19.1303311.1 NW 00:00:15:23
SP9GDI-9 ** .. 50.18917 19.1028312.2 NW 03:11:53:11
TS-52A ** .. 49.95933 19.0430012.3 SW 09:15:35:02
SR9DBN ** **. 50.21267 19.1275012.5 NW 00:00:05:11
SQ9ORZ ** **. 49.81600 19.2735013.3 S 01:08:51:05
SQ9JTT-7 ** **. 50.25917 19.2693313.7 N 05:14:40:24
SQ9JTT ** .. 50.25967 19.2695013.8 N 00:00:10:03
SQ9OKQ ** .. 50.06100 19.4650014.0 E 00:13:17:22
SQ9OKQ-9 ** .. 50.05667 19.4675014.1 E 03:12:23:34
SP9HYR-7 ** .. 50.10533 19.0051714.4 NW 00:07:54:43
SP9AX ** .. 49.78533 19.2281714.9 S 03:14:30:21
SQ9SIM-7 ** **. 50.26533 19.1368315.1 NW 03:18:27:53
SP9AMG ** .. 49.88933 19.0268315.1 SW 08:12:11:35
SP9AMG B ** .. 49.88783 19.0276715.1 SW 00:00:02:29
SP9AMG-N ** .. 49.88783 19.0276715.1 SW 00:00:02:23
SP9AMG-B ** .. 49.88783 19.0276715.1 SW 00:00:02:19
SP9AMG-7 ** .. 49.88767 19.0273315.1 SW 03:14:00:39
SP9AMG-8 ** .. 49.88767 19.0271715.1 SW 03:13:45:57
SQ9SIM-5 ** .. 50.26600 19.1348315.2 NW 00:14:21:34
PS-SP3OW ** .. 50.24467 19.0943315.2 NW 00:00:27:55
SP8EBC-5 ** **. 49.77500 19.2230015.5 S 00:00:01:53
SP9AMH-9 ** .. 50.11833 18.9876715.6 NW 02:09:20:15
SP9AMH ** **. 50.11833 18.9868315.6 NW 00:00:08:09
SQ9ROQ-13 ** .** 50.27150 19.1263315.7 NW 00:00:15:01
SQ9ROQ ** .. 50.27233 19.1268315.7 NW 00:00:29:59
PS-SQ9CH1 ** .. 50.27683 19.1363315.7 NW 05:09:28:10
SP9HRF-3 ** .. 50.12883 18.9858315.9 NW 04:14:17:33
SP9HRF-1 ** .. 50.12867 18.9855015.9 NW 02:13:21:05
TS-56D ** .. 49.76317 19.2575016.3 S 09:12:30:55
SP9SDZ-4 ** .. 50.12867 18.9753316.5 NW 00:00:01:04
SP9SDZ-1 ** **. 50.12833 18.9751716.5 NW 00:00:14:03
SP9DB ** .. 49.80917 19.0725016.6 SW 02:10:42:51
SQ9IWE-13 ** .** 50.28550 19.1210016.6 NW 00:00:19:05
SP9KLM-5 ** .. 49.83083 19.0426716.7 SW 00:13:35:15
PS-SQ9CH ** .. 50.29350 19.1306716.8 NW 00:00:28:25
SQ9MLW-1 ** **. 49.81083 19.0631716.8 SW 00:14:12:48
SQ9MLW-9 ** .. 49.81067 19.0633316.8 SW 07:08:34:36
SQ9NKU-9 ** .. 50.30650 19.2965016.8 N 02:00:11:08
SP8EBC-1 ** **** 49.81367 19.0583316.9 SW 00:00:00:16
SP8EBC-7 ** .. 49.81367 19.0581716.9 SW 01:11:21:41
SP9UVG-PS ** .. 50.27200 19.0786717.1 NW 00:00:54:01
TS-01B ** .. 49.87433 18.9960017.1 SW 09:15:25:40

Overall rate: 304.6 packets/hr 5.1 packets/min

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