Load and start Norkart Virtual Globe
Load and start Norkart Virtual Globe
This page loads and starts a Virtual Globe with the following parameters:
Dataset | http://www.virtual-globe.info/globe.vgml |
Look at point: | |
Latitude | 58° 31.3667' N |
Longitude | 23° 16.3333' E |
Stop 100000.0 meters from target |
var javawsInstalled = 0;
var javaws12Installed = 0;
var javaws142Installed = 0;
var javaws150Installed = 0;
var javaws160Installed = 0;
isIE = "false";
if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length)
x = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-java-jnlp-file'];
if (x)
javawsInstalled = 1;
javaws160Installed = 1;
isIE = "true";
on error resume next
If isIE = "true" Then
If Not(IsObject(CreateObject("JavaWebStart.isInstalled"))) Then
javawsInstalled = 0
javawsInstalled = 1
End If
If Not(IsObject(CreateObject("JavaWebStart.isInstalled.2"))) Then
javaws12Installed = 0
javaws12Installed = 1
End If
If Not(IsObject(CreateObject("JavaWebStart.isInstalled."))) Then
javaws142Installed = 0
javaws142Installed = 1
End If
If Not(IsObject(CreateObject("JavaWebStart.isInstalled."))) Then
javaws150Installed = 0
javaws150Installed = 1
End If
If Not(IsObject(CreateObject("JavaWebStart.isInstalled."))) Then
javaws160Installed = 0
javaws160Installed = 1
End If
End If
The Virtual Globe requires Java 1.5 or
better installed on your computer, testing for Java:
if (javawsInstalled)
document.write('You have Java installed.
Click here to start the Virtual Globe.');
else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") !=-1)
document.write('Your browser doesn't tell if you have Java installed or not. ');
document.write('You can try to click here to start the Virtual Globe. ');
document.write('If it doesn' work you should try to ');
document.write('download and install Java first. ');
document.write('Your browser may ask what to do with a file of type application/x-java-jnlp-file, ');
document.write('you should specify that it should be opened by the program javaws. ');
document.write('You have not installed Java.');
document.write('Click here ');
document.write('to download and install Java and the Virtual Globe. ');
Your browser doesn't tell if you have Java installed or not.
You can try to click here to start the Virtual Globe.
If it doesn' work you should try to
download and install Java first.
Moving around
You can move around in the virtual world by using mouse or key commands.
For all commands; combining with [shift] accelerates the key and mouse action.
It is also possible to type position and view direction for the view point directly
into the navigation panel under the 3D view.
Mouse commands in the 3D window | Key commands in the 3D window | To fly |
In the upper left corner of the Virtual Globe main window there is an overview map. Movements in the map
and 3D view are interlinked. There are corresponding mouse and key commands to move around in the map view.
Mouse commands in the map window | Key commands in the map window |
Some advice for efficient navigation in the 3D world:
- Move to some distant place:
- Click in the overview map. Use the mouse wheel to gain height. Use the left mouse button to "spin" the globe in the overview map. Use the mouse wheel to reduce height.
- View a place from all directions:
- Use the right mouse button in the 3D view to rotate the viewpoint around the interesting place, combine with [shift] to move faster.
Java: Some users may experience problems with the Java
installation or the integration of Java in the web browser. This page
attempts to find information about your Java installation, but some
web browsers are less cooperative and gives little information for us
to use.
If this is the first time you use the Virtual Globe you'll be asked if
you trust data delevered by Thawte Freemail Member (that's
me...) and Sun Microsystems. If you answer no you
won't be able to start the application. You may see a warning that
some certificates are outdated, this warning is not dangerous.
If you see this error message: it is normally caused by an error in the
network path to the server or an errounous download of the Globe software libraries. If there is a network problem,
and the fault is not on your side you just have to wait. To reload the Globe libraries (and other
Java Web Start applications) type the command "javaws -uninstall" in a CMD (DOS) window or
in the Run... panel in the Windows Start menu. Then restart the Globe.
Your web browser may ask what to do with a file of type:
application/x-java-jnlp-file. You should answer that it
should be opened by the program 'javaws'.
Graphics system: This application requires a graphics
processor. It does not have large demands, older models like Radeon
7500 and GeForce2 or newer versions of Intel integrated graphics are
sufficient. You shoud install recent versions of graphic drivers (the
control programs for your graphics processor). They may be downloaded
from the homepages of your computer or graphics card manufactorer. If
the application craches or shows unexpected lines and triangles over
the screen it is most probably because of a faulty graphics procssor or
drivers. We have had some problems with graphics processors from Matrox.
If you get a screen like this: it is most probably
caused by a problem we have met with some graphics processors. It may help to switch to a simpler
graphics system. Open the Tools/Configuration menu and select the "User interface" panel.
Switch off "Use 3D objects", select "OK" and restart the Globe. In the models containing buildings
and other 3D objects you will not be able to see them with the simpler graphics system.
Memory: You should have at least 256MB of free memory, and even that is
on the small side. Windows XP uses almost 200MB only for it self and
the Virtual Globe uses another 200MB. Windows Vista requires 1 GB for itself,
and Vista computers should have at least 2 GB to work comfortably.
If the program reacts slowly,
stops for several seconds or takes a while to start the problem is most
probably too little memory.
Network and local disc cache: A fast broadband connection is preferable, but also
slower connections (modem/ISDN) should work. The application stores data for already visited areas
on your local disc, which reduces network traffic and
network dependency. This is of great help when using slow network connections.
The parameters for local disc caching can be adjusted in the menu Tools/Configuration.
If you should run short of disk space
the folder can be deleted with no negative impact except that the
application has to reload data from the server.
Firewall: If you are behind a proxy firewall (several
organizations with a strict security policy uses one) all programs
that accesses external internet has to go through the firewall and has
to know the IP address of the firewall. Usually Java gets proxy
configuration data from your web browser, but some browsers doesn't
give this information. You'll then have to set this manually in the
'Java Control Panel'. Open this as described below. Open the 'General' tab and select 'Network settings'.
Add your proxy parameters, ask your system administrator if neccessary.
Java Control Panel: Open the 'Run' dialog from the Windows 'Start' menu.
Write the command 'javaws -viewer' and select 'Ok'. Alternatively start the command 'javaws -viewer' in a
command interpreter ('cmd' or DOS window). This will open two windows: 'Java Cache Viewer' og 'Java Control Panel'.
Close 'Java Cache Viewer', we will use 'Java Control Panel'.
Java Console:
If you should require assistance it would be of great help if you
could send error messages from the java console window. To enable the
java console start the 'Java Control Panel' as described above, and open the 'Advanced'
tab. Open 'Java Console' and select
'Show Console'. Next time the Virtual Globe is started you will also
get a text window showing messages from the program. Copy the messages
into a mail and send to me together with a description of your problems.