Make a mapGoogle MapsGoogle EarthJPGPNGSVGMake a profileConvert a fileDraw on a mapCalculatorsGeocode addressesLook up elevationsAtlas: Share a mapGPSBabelExamplesHelp/FAQAbout GPSVGPS Visualizer's "sandbox"Show additional file input boxes
Make a map
- Google Maps
- Google Earth
Make a profile
Convert a file
Draw on a map
Geocode addresses
Look up elevations
Atlas: Share a map
About GPSV
Make a Google Map from a GPS file
Other forms: Google Earth KML/KMZ, JPEG/PNG/SVG, Quantitative data, GPX/text, Profiles
This form will automatically draw your GPS data (or KML/KMZ file, or plain text data in CSV or tab-delimited format) overlaid upon street maps and satellite imagery in Google Maps.
Please note that creating a map with a very large number of waypoints (or very long tracklogs, especially if speed or altitude colorization is enabled) can cause your Web browser to grind to a halt.
If you don't have GPS data and want to interactively draw on a map, use GPS Visualizer's "sandbox" to create your own GPX or KML file.
General map parameters
show advanced map options [+]
pixels Height: pixels
Full screen mode:
Yes No Title:
Initial map type:
Google street map Google aerial/satellite imagery Google hybrid (streets+satellite) Google terrain (physical map) OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap (ThunderForest) OpenStreetMap (Komoot) OpenCycleMap (ThunderForest) OpenTopoMap World aerial imagery (ESRI) World topo/relief (ArcGIS) World topo ( US: aerial imagery (NAIP) US: USGS topo maps (ArcGIS) US: county outlines US: The National Atlas Europe: OpenTopoMap Canada Toporama (NRCan) Canada Toporama, no names "Blue Marble" lo-res Earth Opacity:0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Time offset:
hrs Units: Metric U.S. Nautical (in legend, etc.)
Your project's Google API key: [clear] <!-- -->
Allow export of data from the map: Yes No
Add DEM elevation data: No best available source USGS NED1 (30m res., North America) USGS NED2 (60m res., Alaska only) NASA SRTM1 (30m res., NoAm, Europe, more) NASA SRTM3 (90m res., worldwide) ASTER (30m res., very limited availability)
Zoom control: Large Small None Scale bar: Yes No Utilities menu: Yes No
Map type control: On the map Utilities menu Both None Opacity control: On the map Utilities menu Both None
Restrict background map choices based on initial location: Yes No
Initial zoom level: Initial center point:
Center coords: Yes No Mouse coords: Yes No Ruler: Yes In menu No
Address search box: Yes No Street View: Yes No 3-D: Yes No
None Track (recommended) Altitude/elevation Speed Course/heading Slope Climb rate Pace V.M.G. Distance Time Satellites HDOP WiFi signal Heart rate N custom field Default color: Red Orange Yellow Green Cyan Blue Violet Magenta
Color of values beyond min. or max.: Gray Min./max. color continues Do not draw
Colorization legend:
Yes No Steps: Color blocks: Yes No
Preserve track styles in input files (e.g., from KML or Garmin GPX): Yes No
Track list: Names and descriptions Names only No list Tickmark interval:
Use cumulative distance for tickmarks: Yes No<!-- --> Zero distance mark: Yes No<!-- -->
Trackpoint distance threshold: Max. points per track:
Draw tracks as waypoints: No Yes, with no names Yes, named with time stamps Yes, named with sequential trackpoint numbers Yes, named with data from the "colorize" field Yes, using a custom template
Name template: Desc. template:
Remove all tracks: No Yes
Reverse tracks: No Yes
Connect segments: No, leave gap Yes
Merge all tracks: No Yes
Segment break threshold for plain-text track data: seconds
Re-order coterminous tracks: No Merge all coterminous tracks Merge all coterminous tracks (allow reversal) Merge tracks if names match Merge tracks if names match (allow reversal) Re-order only Re-order only (allow reversal)
Threshold (in meters) for re-ordering/merging tracks:
Moving average range for estimated fields (speed, slope, etc.): point(s)
GPX/CSV routepoints: Do not display routes or routepoints Convert to tracks only Convert to tracks, but include named pts. as waypoints Convert to tracks and include ALL as waypoints Convert only named points to waypoints Convert all points to waypoints
Show track statistics (distance, time, elevation): Yes No
Calculate elevation gain: Yes No Elevation threshold:
Waypoint options
show advanced waypoint options [+]
Show waypoints:
All None In bounds of tracks only In bounds of tracks, plus padding
pin google googleblank googlemini circle square triangle diamond cross star arrow airport camera blankcircle (BIG) custom icon
Color: pink red maroon orange yellow olive lime green aqua teal blue navy violet purple magenta white silver gray black tan brown
Custom icon URL:
Waypoint labels:
Mouse-over "tooltips" only Names appear as permanent labels Permanent labels, on normal points AND trackpoints
Label color: pink red maroon orange yellow olive lime green aqua teal blue navy violet purple magenta white silver gray dark gray black tan brown Background: pink red maroon orange yellow olive lime green aqua teal blue navy violet purple magenta white silver gray dark gray black tan brown
Opacity: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Scale: Shadows: Yes No Vector: Yes No
Preserve waypoint colors and symbols (e.g., from KML or Garmin): Yes No
Colorize waypoints using this field: None (don't colorize points) N / frequency Altitude/elevation Speed Course/heading Slope Time Satellites HDOP WiFi signal Heart rate Name (alphabetized) Description (alphabetized) Category (alphabetized) Symbol (alphabetized) custom field
Custom colorization field:
Synthesize name: (field names in curly brackets)
Synthesize description: (fields in curly brackets)
Synthesize label: (fields in curly brackets)
Synthesize folders: (fields in curly brackets)
Initial state of folders in marker list: Open Collapsed
Generate list of markers:
No names names, with dividers names & descriptions names & descriptions, w/ dividers Width: px
Interactively filter out-of-range points: Yes No Max. # visible:
Filter marker list: Yes No Sort list by distance from center: Yes No
Discard outliers: No, show all points discard if Z > 0.5 discard if Z > 1 discard if Z > 2 discard if Z > 3 discard if Z > 4 discard if Z > 5
Show only points whose 'name' matches this pattern:
Garmin waypoint icons: large, new (24x24) small, colorful (16x16) small, plain (16x16) Do not use Garmin icons
Add "driving directions" form to each point's info window: Yes No
Geotag points with times but no positions: No Yes, interpolate points Yes, & include earlier points Yes, & include later points Yes, & include earlier+later Geotagging offset: hours (positionless points vs. GPS data)
Contact information
Your e-mail:
This is for impromptu tech support, NOT a mailing list!
Upload your GPS data files here:
(Total size cannot exceed 10 MB; .zip/.gz is supported)
File #1
File #2
File #3
File #4
File #5
File #6
File #7
File #8
Show additional file input boxes
Save these settings Load from saved
Or paste your data here:
Force plain text to be this type: default trackpoints route points waypoints
Or provide the URL of static data on the Web: <!-- -->
Or a URL that the map will load dynamically: <!-- -->
(Google Docs spreadsheets or GPX/KML/XML files only)
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Valle di Casies tedescocomune italianoprovincia autonoma di BolzanoTrentino-Alto AdigeValVal Pusteriario CasiesMonguelfoAustriatoponimo117811891299tedescoXII secolo1929municipio1985ted.cappuccinoJoachim HaspingerAndreas HoferbavaresifrancesinapoleonicibronzoOthmar Winklerbunkersbarramento Planca di SopraVallo Alpino in Alto Adigesci di fondoGran fondo della Val Casiesskiliftpiste da slittino naturale Valle di Casies Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Jump to navigation Jump to search Valle di Casies comune ( IT ) Valle di Casies ( DE ) Gsies Una veduta della vallata Localizzazione Stato Italia Regione Trentino-Alto Adige Provincia Bolzano Amministrazione Sindaco Kurti Taschler (SVP) dal 10-5-2015 (1º mandato) Lingue ufficiali Tedesco, Italiano Territorio Coordinate 46°46′N 12°11′E / 46.766667°N 12.183333°E 46.766667; 12.183333 ( Valle di Casies ) Coordinate: 46°46...