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Seestem on a chip References | Navigâtion menuThe why, where and what of low-power SoC design

Electronic designMicrotechnologySystem on a chip

Inglisintegratit circuitcomputerelectronicdeegitalanalogmixed-signalradio-frequencysubstratemobile computinembeddit seestems

Seestem on a chip

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The Raspberry Pi uises a seestem on a chip as an awmaist fully-conteened micro computer (this SoC disna contain RAM or ony kynd o storage memory which is common for microprocessor SoC).

A seestem on a chip (Scots: seestem on a chip), or seestem on chip (Inglis: system-on-chip, SoC or SOC) is an integratit circuit (commonly cried a "chip") that integrates aw components o a computer or other electronic seestem. It mey conteen deegital, analog, mixed-signal, an eften radio-frequency functions—aw on a single substrate. SoCs are very common in the mobile computin mercat acause o thair law pouer-consumption.[1] A teepical application is in the aurie o embeddit seestems.

References |

  1. Pete Bennett, EE Times. "The why, where and what of low-power SoC design." December 2, 2004. Retrieved July 28, 2015. (in Inglis)

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